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Mendez in Pink LED Lights:-Loud-Shy-Cranky-Poetic-Strong Minded-Marketing Mastermind Genuis-Super★-Barbie Tendecies-Virgo-Social Butterfly-Perfected the art of Impefection-Cocoa Butter User-Jerk Chicken Eater-Fairlytale Dreamer-Naive-Hopeful-Crazy-Too Kind-Too Kinda-Figure w/ Cola Bottle Features ;)-Confident-Timid-Complex-Chick-Hun-Babez-Stupid-Empress-Chocolate Lover-Brown Eyes-Big ♥-Smiles to Confuse People-Sensible Fun-Waste-DayDreamer-Go Getter-Love Maker-War Hater-As shallow as the ocean-Judged Often-Rice Burner-Destined Diva-Head on screwed on tightly-Thought Provoker-Worth Forgeter-Quiet-Opinionated-Success Chaser-Family Lover-Avid Twitter-Glossy Cover indepth Content-High Standards-Forgives-Sings in the Shower-Dances in the rain&On Stage -Fashion Lover-Talks Alot-Listens More-Gossip hearer-Sometimes Hears But Doesnt Listen Margharita Drinker-Waist Whiner-Sunglasses over Scarves-Food Over Fellas-PaperChaser-Mansion Wanting-Rarely Sits On The Fence-Talkative-Blackberry Owner-Substance-Morals-Values-Time Cherisher-Free Spirited-Openminded-Party Hards-Works Harder-Loves Hard-Passionate Perfectionist

Friday 4 June 2010

Song of the day 04/06/10

04/06/2010 Song of the day "Nah Stress Over Man" - Cecile. Although this song is nearly a year old, It echoes the sounds of old school Reggae and the lyrics are very uplifting for women going through men trouble. The beat is perfect for this summery weather and I never tire of hearing it. Cecile I salute you! Enjoy!

Wednesday 2 June 2010


I once was told "Remember your worth"
Because I was born a Queen from birth
I forget it a few times,
Less then some
But when I remember
I pass the same words on.

Saturday 29 May 2010

What Chu Talkin' Bout Willis??

Last night I heard the sad news that Gary Coleman died and i didn't believe it but it's true! Gary Coleman died yesterday at the age of 42 in Utah of a brain hemorrhage, following a fall in his home. His 24 year old wife made the decision to turn off the life support. To be honest this news hit me just as hard as when Michael Jackson died. I began to think about how as a child I sat watched Different Strokes episodes religiously, and chuckled at the infamous line ' What Chu Talkin About Willis??' I know a lot people have a lot to say about other issues Gary Coleman had in other aspects of his life, assault charges, financial problems and porn videos. But to me that's not important, I just remember him as little Arnold Jackson on Different Strokes and that's a good enough memory for me!

Rest In Peace Gary Coleman, i'm sure your memory will live on. . .

More Info click this link >> http://www.mahalo.com/gary-coleman-dead

Tuesday 25 May 2010

when we starting a family?

loool. but i dunno who you are!

Ask me anything

Made For Each Other

My Crime

Visions of oppression deep in the mind,

Looking for thoughts that I just cannot find.

Shackles of love that won't set me free,

Chains around my neck that won't let me be.

Shining brightly, but it seems so dull.

My heart feels empty; it's supposed to be full.

I wish I could wipe this pain away,

The colour won't go it refuses to stray.

The history will never go; I know it's there.

Back to the days when life wasn't fair,

But today's present is now my past.

We'd thought we'd moved on, finally-at last.

Bind us together. Bind us apart

Is freedom the way I feel in my heart?

I can't sustain my eternal yearning,

This ball of hope keeps turning and turning.

Until one day it shall all be true

The rope falls apart- the barrier is broken through.

The scars slowly fade, the bruises begin to heal.

When I am no longer a dream, the day I become real.

Raise my head to the sky because I know I can.

Gone are the days I have to answer to the man

The day when what is mine is finally given back.

The day it is not a crime for my skin to be black.

Impossible is nothing?

It always seems impossible until it is done -Nelson Mandela

Mendez Motto :)

Dont walk, wiggle ;)

Do's &Don'ts of Blackberry Messenger

Yeah I'm on the blackberry hype. But if there's just 1 thing that pisses me off about it it's gotta be Blackberry messenger aka 'BBM' A lot of BB Users do not know how to use this functtion properly if they did I'm sure the Blackberry world would be a much better place..


1) Don't get emotional if the recepient has read your message & hasn't replied yet (u can tell by the little 'R' that comes up) - just calm down its not that serious.

2) Don't Broadcast Bullsh*t - 'I am a ghost, if u dont pass this on u will die ' If u love God pass this msg on' & so on & so forth *sigh*

3) Update ur status every minute - thats what twitters for

4) Be a Bug A Boo - Why have u always got something to say Morning, Noon and Night? dont be surprised if u contacts list starts to shrink


1) Do stay looking fly in ur DisplayPic (people hav saved DP's and sent them 2 me & i have giggled - im just sayin)

2) Be careful who you give ur pin 2! (Some freaky person use to ping me ALL the time. Mornin Baby, what u doing baby, Goodnite baby - F*ck off! -_-)

3) Try to talk to all ur contacts, if you cant hold a decent convo with all of them at some point u need 2 do some deleting

4) Be Smart ( Dont scroll over the text! - that way u can read the message & the sender will never know..because the little 'R' wont appear! haha)

8 simple rules to BBM Tranquility... xxx

Watch this space!

SkyHighDee - my near and dear friend.:) Been on the grind since forever and i seriously respect him as a person and artist. Look out for his promo "Attention All Producers" - out soon in summer '10 & follow him on twitter "@SkyHighDee" Here's one of his take on 'Dead Presidents' - Check out the rest of the tracks on youtube channel SkyHighDee TV

TazerAffiliated - another talented upcoming artist.DOWNLOAD HIS PROMOTAPE "LOADING" HERE: ah pek << My personal favs on the mixtape are 'Truey,Ralphy,Louis' ft SkyHighDee
and Invented sex :) Check it out! Check out the link below 'Woo Riddim' also from the Loading Promotape. Dont forget to follow on Twitter @TazerAffiliated and check out the youtube channel youtube.com/TazerAffiliated

Mendez Motto :)

Smile it confuses people :)

Time To Let Go

I've been holding on - To what? I don't know

Because when I lose grip, my mind says "Let Go."

Is this a test?

Is this a trial?

I try my best

But I'm off by a mile

The hill is high, the goal- so far

I thought I could make it. I thought I was a star.

But now I recognise it

For exactly what it is

It's not my destiny, nor is it his.

Open my eyes and finally I can cry.

Because I AM a star, but he's not my sky.

Drop the World

I got ice in my veins, blood in my eyes
Hate in my heart, love in my mind
I seen nights full of pain, days of the same
You keep the sunshine, save me the rain
I search but never find, hurt but never cry
I work and forever try, but I’m cursed, so never mind

#TeamWhiteSkin vs #TeamLightSkin vs #TeamBrownSkin vs #TeamDarkSkin

This debate has been going on since the end of time. And quite frankly I'm sick of it. Its pretty black and white for me ( no pun intended) everyone has their personal tastes and attractions ( for example I am sooo attracted to how twitter would refer to them as- #TeamDarkSkin men. I personally prefer to call them Chocolate *licks lips* ) but enough of that. *splashes water on face to stop daydreams* lol

I don't like to categorise myself but people would say I'd fall into the category of "#TeamBrownSkin" and for that reason some may automatically find me attractive some may not. Not fussed me. But being a member of #TeamBrownSkin. I've seen the stages people go through and even gone through them myself. - Men being judged for choosing #TeamWhiteSkin ladies or ladies from #TeamDarkSkin insisting #TeamLightSkin ladies 'think they're too nice.' Wishing you we're a little lighter etc.

Personally it's all yawn for me. If you're attractive, you're attractive, whether you're pink, yellow or blue ( some of those Avatars were rather sexy i can't lie ;) lol )

Without getting too historical, I'm just gonna say that I think people need to grown out of the stereotypical and slave mentality that brighter is better and darker is dirty. This was something created by the slave masters and we're still living by it 400 years later

*confused at the stupidity*
How hard is it to realise that we're all beautiful shades of brown and to leave people to their personal preferences, there's pretty black, mixed and white girls. And some very ugly ones too lol.

In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr dreamed of a day when people would not be judged by the colour of our skin but by the content of our character.

But thinking about it now it seems no one really has any ounce of character and any content if in 2010 we are still debating which skin colour and shade of brown is the best. Isn't there more to a person than that?


Just a thought.

So What If I Am A Black Woman

I giggled, I clapped, I laughed, I was filled with pride :D Enjoy

Burnt Dreams II

Just feel the need to point out that this is an abstract poem about inner retaliation and ignorance. That is all :)

Burnt Dreams II

Keep crying no one cares

Keep sighing it's the beginning of your nightmares

Smile happily and return it with a frown

Never hold your head up always look down

Never real, always there

Never there, always real

Close your eyes to the world

Don't see what I see....

It's Barbie Bitch!

So this Nicki Minaj - Harajuku Barbie craze has been sweeping the nation, and i thought it's only right for me to comment on it, having been called a "Brown Skinned Barbie" in my time..

Stand up all the girls who are weave wearers, fake nail extension wearing, coloured contact rockin but as real as can be ladies!*confused face* Seems like such an oxymoron.

But i'm not ashamed to say I do hold some Barbie qualities and tendecies but i'm not sure if I'm a 100% fully fledged barbie.

I mean, not the stereotypical barbie anyway.

Yeah my hairs weaved from time to time. I like pink. Actually i <3>

But does that make me an airhead?

I think people are confused with what Nicki is doing with the term 'Barbie' - to me she's re-inventing it. Taking it back.

It's all about self esteem and self confidence in what you do and who you are. So when you walk into a room and people judge you - because of your weave, your pink nailvarnish and big boobs - you prove them wrong you can say " Yea Motherf*cker!That's how a Barbie does it B*tch" & wiggle your hips as you walk away ;)

So on that note; Nicki Minaj i salute you for the barbie movement.

It's Barbie B*tch....


Burnt Dreams

Freeforming dreams hovering above.

Darkness clouds your everlasting love.

Shine brightly.

Burn softly.

Cry loudly.

Scream quietly.

Hold your head up high.

Then sigh.